Peter Kakhovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Decembrist



Five days before the new 2020, the historical film "Union of Salvation" was published in wide rental, which tells about the uprising of the Decembrists of 1825. The acting film was truly impressive: Maxim Matveyev reincarnated in Sergey Trubetsky, Anton Shagin - in Kondratiy Ryleev, Alexey Guskov - to Alexey Shcherbatova. Sergey Agafonov, who remembered the Russian audience according to "28 Panfilovtsy", got the role of one of the conspirators - Lieutenant in the resignation of Peter Kakhovsky.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that some information about the early biography of the Decembrist reached this day, unfortunately, the exact date of his birth was preserved, and only a year is known to 1797.

He appeared in the village of Preobrazhensky (subsequently Mitino), took place from the impoverished nobles of Smolensk province - as the sources reported, after his death Brother Nikanor - a former lieutenant, who served at the end of his life in the Gentarkrum Corps and lived until 1845, inherited only 17 shower in this area. Other senior brothers - Alexey, Vasily, Ivan and Plato - died until 1820.

On the last period, the parents are Father Grigory Alekseevich, the College Assesser retired, who came to this world in the 1758th, and the mother of Nymifodor Mikhailovna (in the virology of Olenin) - gave a child to a noble board at Moscow University. Here Petya learned German and French, got the necessary knowledge in the field of history, geography, arithmetic, etc.

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About the funny case that happened to the pupil of an educational institution, mentions Nikolai Greek in his "notes about my life": in 1812, when the French joined Moscow, the boarding "broke up", and Kakhovsky moved to the apartment. The Napoleonic Army officers settled in the same house and went along with the boy "for prey". Once, they were lucky enough to return with the jams of the jam, which it was necessary to scuffle:

"Cakhovsky took for it, but somehow carelessly put his finger in the neck of the flask and could not pull him out. The French laughed and asked how he would free his finger. "That's how!" Said the boy and, swinging, broke the flask about the head of one Frenchman. This start promised a lot, and he kept promised. "

The Buntic Spirit from his famous ancestor inherited and revolutionary-Irina Konstantinovna Kakhovskaya, who organized the killing of General Field Marshal Hermann von Eichgorn in 1918 and spent, in total, in conclusion and links a little less than half a century. The long-awaited rehabilitation came only in 1957, three years before the death.

Military service

Military career Petra Grigorievich started in the Life Guard of the Hserage Regiment on March 24, 1816, but by the end of the year the Junker was democated to the ordinary on the command of the Grand Prince Konstantin Pavlovich. The reasons for such a decision were "noise and different discrepancies in the house of the College Assesorstorshi Wangersheim, a non-payment of money in the confectionery shop and the laziness to the service."

In February 1817, Kakhovsky was identified in the 7th Hanroom Regiment in the Caucasus, where in a short time, the young man managed not only to regain the lost rank, but also to become a yanker's spoil, which actually performed by the officer. Cases from this time went uphill - on October 8, 1818, he got into the Astrakhansky Kirassir Regiment, and then became a cornet and guarantor. But a series of success interrupted the resulting disease - because of her had to resign and go for treatment in the Caucasus and Dresden.

Slightly the nobleman stopped in Paris and through Switzerland, Italy and Austria returned to his homeland in 1824.

Decembrist revolt

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Kakhovsky, who studied the state system and the political history of European states during the journey, intended to go to Greece - to fight for its independence. But everything changed his acquaintance with Konda Ryleev, whose closest assistant he was subsequently.

Peter, who spent the overthrow of the autocracy, the extermination of the royal surname and the establishment of the republic, took to the Northern Secret Society, and he even organized his cell in the Life Guard Grenadier regiment.

Decembrists on Senate Square

It was him, a person is lonely, not to acquire or families or children, like-minded people instructed the murder of King Nicholas First in the Winter Palace - under the guise of a single terrorist. However, he did not solve the day at the day of the uprising on this crime, but, having traveled the barracks and finding out the mood of the regiments, one of the first arrived at the Senate Square, where the Governor-General Mikhail Miloradovich and Colonel Nicholas Sturler was mortally injured.

Already the next day, Kakhovsky was arrested in his apartment and delivered to Alekseevsky Rodnelin Petropavlovsk fortress (the fifth bastion of Anna John). As a result, the Decembrist behaved courageously and sadly - it is known that he sent to the emperor a few messages with the tough criticism of the state of affairs in Russia in the reign of Alexander I and the shortcomings of the state device.

Personal life

Dmitry Merezhkovsky in the "December 14" novel, which was included in the trilogy "The Kingdom of the Beast", described the stay of Kakhovsky in the Petropavlovsk fortress - he with greed read books transferred to him in love with the old girl Adelaide Egorovna Pushkina, the daughter of Platz Major. The prisoner of the face of Merciful to him did not see the ladies, but he considered her beautiful, like Don Quixote Dulcine.

It is also known that Peter Grigorievich himself fell in deep feelings to Sofier Mikhailovna Saltykova, with whom he had a short-term novel in 1824. The girl answered him no less reciprocity, in any case, in a letter, she wrote:

"Ah, dear friend, what kind of person is! How many minds, how much imagination in this young head! How many feelings, what greatness of the soul, what truthfulness! His heart is pure, like a crystal, - it can be easily read in it, and you already know, after seeing two or three times. It is also very educated, very well brought up ... "

The man made the proposal proposal of his hand and hearts, but her father responded with a decisive refusal and forever separated young people. However, the groom did not immediately retreated from his intentions, and, trying to argue with fate, offered the girl to escape from the parental home and secretly married, threatened suicide.

But Sofya, having listened to the instructions of the elder brother, remained deaf to his requests and later married first for Anton Deligus, and then for Sergey Baratynsky (Boratnsky). Some sources argued that it was parting with a beloved woman who pushed Peter to the search for death and participation in the uprising of 1825.


At first, the Supreme Court sentenced the conspirator to execute through quarters, but Nicholas I 10 July 1826 (old style) replaced his hanging, which was the cause of death. The sentence was carried out in three days - 13 numbers on the Kronverka of the Petropavlovsk Fortress. However, it happened only from the second time - due to the inexperience, the executioner was condemned from the loop.

The exact burial place of Kakhovsky is unknown - on one of the versions, his body is given to the Earth on the island of the starvia (now - the island of the Decembrists), located on the territory of the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg.


Many writers turned to the personality of the participant in the uprising of 1825 and devoted to him their literary works. For example, Boris Modzalevsky, Boris Modzalevsky, is contained by the most romantic letters of Sofia Saltykova, and Pavel Schegolev placed photographic images of the Emperor from the place of detention in Peter Grigorievich Kakhovsky.

In addition to numerous books, about the Decembrist, tells the documentary "Who shot the Kakhovsky?" Dolores Khmelnitsky, who launched the TV channel "Culture" on December 13, 2007, Mini-series "Decembrists" 2017, in which Peter Kakhovsky played the actor Vladislav Demyanenko, and the "Union of Salvation" Andrei Kravchuk.

Also in St. Petersburg and Voronezh there are alleys of Kakhovsky, and his name worn streets in the cities of Gus-Crystal and Astrakhan.

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