Valentina Lyapina - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, swimsuit, "instagram" 2021



Valentina Lyapina is a new actress that, despite his age, already has an impressive filmography. The actress itself admits that while in each image embodies itself in the proposed circumstances, but over time she plans to master other roles.

Childhood and youth

In the 14th day of 2002, the first-mentioner was born in the Moscow family of Vladislav and Irina Liapina, and after 12 years, October 11, 2014, the younger son of Kostya appeared. In loved ones, the actress of the soul does not make up, placing their photos in social networks with touching comments. For example, brother calls not otherwise as a miracle, mother - his little girl, and father, following the name of the film, is expensive.

The Valya from an early age showed creativity, which parents tried in every way to develop - they gave it to dancing and vocals, and later the sport was added to the interests of the child. Lyapina Junior will be able to stand for himself, because it has a green-blue taekwondo belt.

Before going to the 1st class of the local gymnasium No. 1552 with an in-depth study of English, Valentine actively participated in fashion shows (for example, Moscowdreams), starred in advertising and photo sessions, visited Vivart and President Kids, decorated with Russian glossy editions of Elle and Vogue.

Its portfolio with a detailed indication of the parameters at that time (height 163 cm, weight 43 kg) and is now stored on the Fashion Kids portal. C 2014, it was involved in the formulation of "LIR. King "Theater" Hermitage ".

In the instagram account of the artist, you can also find archival pictures of past years, where that, being completely small, makes the first steps on stage, diligently smiling at the camera. But there are no publications in a swimsuit.

In May 2020, a young performer graduated from school. In connection with the restrictions entered due to coronavirus, Lyapina, as well as its classmates, failed to spend the graduation. But the celebration in the friendly family was arranged in the country. Father Vladislav supported the daughter and threw a tape after her, which has been preserved since 1992. Valentine's higher education went to receive in Gitis, where she was accepted into the workshop of Alexey Sheynin.


Lyapina's cinema hit the "Eralash" - after a humorous magazine for boys, girls, as well as their parents, the red-haired currencies were invited to the 4th season of the "closed school", where she reincarnated in Tasu Baryshnikov. In the film, Alexander Astashenok and Alina Vasilyeva became partners in the film partners.

In 2012, the filmography was replenished with a "girl in a decent family", "old suitcase" and "God of God". The first big role in the creative biography was waiting for the actress for the next year in the drama "on the wings", then the turn of "Voronin" and "Shlatachnitsa" was then arrived. Gradually, Valentine became the main acting person of the film, for example, in the "Alien daughter" and "Keep my hand," where Vitaly Kornienko was filmed with her.

In 2018, Valya starred in the continuation of the "Shutchnitsa", "lit up" in the melodrama "girls do not surrender", the comedy "New Man" and the thriller "lost place". The following year, her creative biography was enriched with the series "Obstetrician. New Life, "Chernov" and "Teachers".

September 12, 2019, a comedy "Dear Pope" came to rental, telling about the difficult relationship between father and daughter. Those who managed to first appreciate the novelty of the Russian cinema, dubbed her good easy cinema on family values. Vladimir Vdovichekov appeared in the unusual image of the comedy actor and, part-time, the parent of the young Alina, in which Valentina Lyapina reincarnated.

Successful series "Obstetrician. Happiness to order "On the life of the head doctor of the Roddoma Tatiana Skvortsova was extended by the 2nd season, in which Valentina Lyapina played again. The artist managed to embody the image of his ride on the screen, experiencing parting of parents. With Irina Peg, a young performer appeared on one stage platform - in the medical drama "The right to choose".

Personal life

In the "Instagram" profiles and in Vkontakte, Vali had a lot of photos with representatives of the opposite sex, however, they were most often friends, classmates and colleagues on the shooting platform. But what happens in the personal life of the actress, whether she has a guy now, is unknown.

The time of work is free from work and study. The artist is devoted to sports, literature and happy to visit museums and galleries.

It is also known that Lyapina visited the BRF street dance school, based on her parents, participates in the charitable concerts "voice of the heart" and at the age of 17 recorded the debut musical composition "Naughty".

On September 17, the girl did not stay aside, supporting, like many actors, Flashmob for the liberation of the colleague Paul Ustinov:

"I never fond of politics and I am not a tary supporter of something. However, it is already simply impossible to be silent. It is stupid, immoral and just not human! I'm afraid! Just afraid for our future, but especially for representatives of the next generation, my brother, for example. "

Valentina Lyapina now

The bright premiere of 2020 was the show of the youth series about the epoch of the 90s "World! Friendship! Gum! ", Which started on the PREMIER platform and TNT TV channel. The film was created by the creative team of screenwriters and director, whose youth came at that time. According to the author Alexander Belov, "nineties is Russian wildest." The main roles, in addition to Valentina Lyapina, performed young artists Egor Gubarev, Egor Abramov, Fyodor Roshchin. The project was attended by actors of more mature age - Yuri Borisov, Stepan Devonin.

In the film "Peace! Friendship! Gum!" Artist had a lot of scenes with a dog. As the performer mentioned in an interview, because of the fear of these animals, she was not solved for their collaboration.

In order to feel the atmosphere of the era, Valya listened to Tracks DDT, Igor Nikolaev, "Car Man", Queen, Whitney Houston, Phil Collins. The most difficult moments of Valentine called farewell frames from Lesi and the scene on the roof. Despite the fact that Lyapina supported cascaders, the excitement passed only after filming.

In 2021, the shooting of many projects with Valentina Lyapina was completed. These are the films "Resurrection", "Darknet", "Awakening", "Neftol".


  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2012 - "Girl in a decent family"
  • 2012 - "God has their plans"
  • 2014 - "On Wings"
  • 2014 - "Father Matvey"
  • 2016 - "Voronins"
  • 2016 - "Shutchiks"
  • 2018 - "Alien Daughter"
  • 2018 - "Keep my hand"
  • 2018 - "Girls do not surrender"
  • 2018 - "New Man"
  • 2018 - "Shunchitsa. Continuation"
  • 2018 - "Plain Place"
  • 2019 - "Obstep. New life"
  • 2019 - "Chernov"
  • 2019 - "Teachers"
  • 2019 - "Dear Dad"
  • 2020 - "Wolf"
  • 2020 - "Call me Drozd"
  • 2020 - "Peace, Friendship, Zhwum"
  • 2020 - "The right to choose
  • 2021 - "Obstep. Happiness to order "

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